波波最后一幕太帅了啊想嫁卡里略上校帅爆了凌厉又强硬我爱他♡残暴恐怖不可一世的大毒枭Pablo Escobar四处逃亡居无定所如游牧民族哥伦比亚最大毒瘤终被铲除大快人心举国欢腾Medellín Cartel和Cali Cartel两派相争百姓遭殃让一整个国家和人民陷入水深火热和危机四伏E7好精彩标题致敬德剧《周扬青的介绍》日薄西山的Pablo居然还敢大摇大摆走在麦德林街头还和警察打照面真是牛逼哄哄Gustavo突然出现很泪目QAQTata挺悲情的Now the king is dead. Long live the kings. 第三季要死磕Cali Cartel
可以说是这几年内看过最优质的科幻剧了 是那种临死前没看到下一季会死不瞑目的那种优质(地狱的那个比喻真是绝:”You know, my mother was an atheist. She used to say that there was good news and bad news about hell. The good news is, hell is just the product of a morbid human imagination. The bad news is, whatever human can imagine, they can usually create.”)