九分翻之前给《挠脚心 日本美女》写的影评竟然莫名契合:“第一个我跨越了虚实的界限第二个我是虚超越实的诚恳”……博学风趣是虚想要逃离是实手刃青年是虚蹉跎终老是实不断流转变换的“我”和“你”不想让你看到的地下室里洗着永远也洗不干净的清洁工制服说there seems to be a certain hardness that comes with a certain kind of pretty. 是因为you know what, 我既不美丽张杰邓紫棋也不冷酷a world pre-interpreted for us. 在这个既定的悲惨世界里大雪掩城我整合此生所有遗憾与希冀归于幻梦I’m thinking of ending... All of these.
The result of an epidemic of copied behavior having a net effect of purpose —— mass hysteria over nothing, yet causing an overall change in social structure