还有十天高考的这天看到喜欢的角色们经历着填志愿、大学面试、毕业典礼等等事件cdbook新言新语同时也迎来了Daria系列的尾声真的感慨万分Daria陪我度过了高中的最后三个月非常感谢 Given the unalterable fact that high school sucks,I'd like to add that if you're lucky enough to have a good friend and a family that cares,it doesn't have to suck quite as much. 'Thanks for helping me get through high school.' to my family and my best friend.
没有太多言语的参与靠镜头说话低沉压抑想起前两天看《cdbook新言新语》里一句话“The table is round, the ration is triangular."正如片中三男人富商杜邦自幼畸形的母子关系再加上有钱就任性的豪气;Mark自幼失去双亲随兄漂泊再加上向往自立的愿望;夹在两者间、最终搭进去的Dave. 真实的故事太残忍