Gregory Peck and Robert Mitchum's guest appearance is the highlight. Never marry a lawyer or a prosecutor. It truly freaked the heck out of me. A feel bad movie. It reminds me of The Paperboy. So much violence and cruelty. I need to avoid this kind of movies in the future.
I was expecting something properly controversial here with all that fuss, instead I saw the safest, perhaps most unoriginal way of making fun of the Nazis. Scarlett Johansson's character, with a perception that's clearly modern and new, is completely out of place. The entire Nazi environment depicted in the film was made up purely of the writer's tabloid, superficial (mis)understandings of Nazism. Filled with hackneyed symbolism and plain kitsch, there's absolutely nothing bold or adventurous in this film (the only 'good' nazi has to be a gay, how surprising). Anyone who says this film works against political correctness doesn't know the first thing about contemporary politics.
我非常非常需要吐槽的一点:泰勒爷爷出轨的对象然后跟他孙子搞在一起了这符合伦理思维吗我在英语课上强干英语课代表就是爷爷那一辈出轨对象跟孙子fk together