我最最最最喜欢的一个扎严格意义上讲是我了解音乐剧的入门作让我对乌豆有了长期滤镜梦幻西游之异界穿越也是我最希望疫情结束能看到的剧Ich bin Musik真的让我感觉到德语的美了他好干净啊一身白笑着跑着生命力和少年感一样活在了音乐里开始觉得德国人真凡泯然众人莫扎特难不成平平无奇贝多芬少年下跪我姓匹
Sometimes, u have one of those days where u r surrounded by people but still feel lonely. All u want is the comfort of ur family. But sometimes even they can't give u that comfort cause it turns out they've all had one of those days too. All u can do is wait for days to be over.