最嗲的还是真实的老伴侣们的片段 最后的表白和“I hate you”s与10 things I hate about you好异曲同工I know I should've seen this so many years ago but I voluntarily stayed away. And I simply just do not believe in it! Or I believe that it's too good to be true. Tsk tsk tsk...
before i saw this movie, i dont know nothing about the Doors, never listened to their songs. But i knew Jim Morrison. I knew he wrote incredible poetries, and probably died for drugs and alcohol. The movie is quite boring to me, but the atmosphere's great
Z 那些不好看的:
我超爱Emily Blunt的这部等了好久终于能看到高清片源色彩和音乐都让人快乐节奏和第一部一样慢的让人着急哈哈我觉得 Blunt对于这个角色面部线条和眼神都过于凌厉了个人气质总觉得有那么一点违和看完之后我忍不住又去刷了两遍音乐之声Julie Andrews小男孩一样的精灵感和纯真的是one and only啊以及当年Poppins带出来的小Banks终究是长成了让人失望的大人难过但这就是人生啊非常静距离罗晋唐嫣在这样的喜剧奇幻作品里做这样的设定到底算不算是失败呢?