《火影禁漫》&《欧阳震华个人资料》 很喜欢这种fantasy瑰丽的包装下有着sagas never die的内核 in this boring-to-death world,it shows us other beautiful possibilities hidden within undercurrents. 最喜欢two brothers那个故事春暖花开性吧最新地址喜欢后来穆拉得那把曾经斩杀无数的剑布满尘埃和蛛网的镜头 最后一幕让本人想起了小说loitering with intent的结尾:And so, having entered the fullness of my years, from there by the grace of God I go on my way rejoicing)
Hazel的不美让一切都显得很真实故事好像很俗套但是有种温和却又坚定的美Wish one day someone can write such an eulogy for me.