看过不同时期的三个版本陈建斌早年的舞台经验赋予了电影皮和话剧骨戏谑地探讨了真假虚实的问题戏外的纠葛带进入戏内戏内的角色也影响着戏外这就构成了戏剧上的反讽事实上人们只愿意相信自己相信的而不是那么在乎真相因为人人都患有“确认偏误”(confirmation bias)最后的舞台是历史的现场马福礼倾听历史的回响塞跳蛋调教h是他审视自我的法场影片一直强调信念舞台演出被各种人打断信念就断了现实中要有信念生活才能继续豆花咸了就是to be没盐味就是not to be这是个终极question.
"I wanna marry you because your're the first person that I want to look at when I wake up in the morning and the only one I wanna kiss goodnight. Because the first time that I saw these hands, I couldn't imagine not being able to hold them. But mainly, when you love someone as mu